

Recycled Tiers

There are many uses and applications for recycled tires, and we make it our duty at Rubber Future to turn them into valuable materials for re-use in our economy. This has always been our mission, where through innovative thinking and proper waste management, we are continually discovering new and exciting ways to use recycled tires.

Discarded tires consume precious ground space, serve as a fire hazard, and provide an environment for mosquitoes, rats and other vermin when combined with trash. We have thus invested in a state-of-the-art recycling facility for tires that converts used and worn out tires into a sustainable rubber product that can benefit the community positively.


Products made from recycled tires include crumb rubber, rubber mulch, tiles and pavers , molded rubber products and rubberized asphalt.

These can be used in flooring installations in local colleges, parks, sports fields and equestrian arenas, such as running tracks, grass-surfaced play areas, stadium playing areas, miniature golf courses and in artificial turf infills.

Recycled rubber may also be used in landscaping and gardens, interior design, as well as interventions in urban infrastructure and design like new roads, signs and car parks.

Facts And Figures

  • 1 scrap tire delivers around 6.5 kg of steel-free crumb rubber.
  • Total number of ELT in Saudi Arabia estimated at 21 million annually.
  • To cover an area of 1 square meter requires 22 hexagonal tiles, 36 F shape tiles or 4 square shaped tiles. This means at least 7 recycled tires are required to cover 1 square meter.